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Questions of Self Discovery

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Self Discovery

more to come... considering this spot for particular questions about self identity and spirituality... wanting to direct the learner's thinking toward ultimate meanings, purposes, and worthy goals in life.

Constructing a Personal Vision Statement

Daniel S. Fox, Ph.D. (2000)


Vision:  Where you are going and Why?




(Adapted from Boldt, 1993, 137-139)


Write down your vision of the world you would like to live in.  Do not concern yourself with how realistic your vision is, how it would be implemented, or what your part in creating it might be.  Simply write your vision as though you could wave a magic wand and have it manifest in one fell swoop.  This is your opportunity to create your utopia.


Now do the same for your nation.


Now do likewise for your community.





In your estimation, what are the most critical needs in this nation that are going unmet, or what are the greatest sources of pain and suffering in the nation?  (Try to avoid the influence of standardized, religious answers that might gloss over the true realities you are identifying.)


In your community?





What situation or need in your community, nation, or world moves you most to want to act?  ``More than anything I really want to do something about _____________.``


What situation in the world, your nation, or your community do you complain about the most?  ``Somebody really ought to do something about ______________ .``


How could you ultimately be most effective in working on these problems?  ``If I were to take responsibility to do something about this, I would ____________.``


What is the most cynical reason you can come up with for not acting?


Are you going to let that stop you from doing your part?


How would you address the cynical reason you identified above?




(Adapted from Boldt, 1993, 158)


If you could share one bit of wisdom with the whole world, what would it be?


For what would you be willing to put all on the line?  And why?


What has been the most important lesson you have learned in your life?  Why?


Briefly, what is the basic philosophy of your life?



(adapted by Fox, Ph.D., 2000)


If you could share one bit of wisdom about leading others, what would it be?


What do you consider the most essential purposes of leaders?  Why those?


What has been the most important lesson you have learned about leading or leadership in your life?  Why?


Briefly, what is your basic philosophy of leadership?









Ever consider being a teacher?

Who Builds the Builders?


There are so many things you could do with your life.  You could decide to build houses.  Or sell cars.  Or you could determine to build bridges.  Or grow crops.  Or design tall buildings.  Or write books.  Or act out parts on the stage.


Or, to make your living, you could decide to repair machinery.  Or to enforce the laws.  Or to program the computers.  Or to drive or fly or sail for a living. 


Or you could collect the refuse.  Or collect the rent.  Or minister to the people.  Or defend our country.


Or you could determine to build the planes.  The lanes.  The trains.  Or you could build the laws by which people will abide.  Or develop the ideas through which a better world will be built.


It`s true.  There are many, many things you could do with your life.


You could decide to do any of these things.  And more.


Or, you could decide to teach.


And you could cultivate those who one day will build the houses, sell the cars, construct the bridges, grow the crops, design the buildings, write the books, and act out parts on the stage.


And you would nurture those who will repair the machinery, enforce the laws, program the computers, and drive or fly or sail for a living.


And you would counsel and guide those who will gather the refuse, collect the rent, minister to the people, and defend our country.


And you would inspire and enlighten those who will build the planes, the lanes, and the trains.


And you would interpret the cosmos to those who will fashion the laws and to those who will crystallize the ideas upon which a better world will be built.


Perhaps you could teach.


You could perhaps teach the people who built these things and do these things.  And more.


It is teachers who build the people who build these things.  And more.  Much, much more.


They build the builders.



Source:  Francis Kevier Trujillo, Ed.D., ProTeach, Sacramento, CA. 95618