Course Websites and Other Resources!
Each course has its own website, with syllibi, assignments, resources, links, and photos.
Public Speaking (Spch 1)
If you are a student of Public Speaking, or just interested in the course, click on the link above.
Group Communication (Spch 2)
If you are a student in Group Communication, or just interested in the course, click on the link above.
Interpersonal Communication (Spch 3)
If you are student of Interpersonal Communication, or just happen to be interested in the course, click on the link above.
Intercultural Communication (Spch 4)
If you are a student of Intercultural Communication, or just interested in the course, click here.
Leadership Communication (Spch 54)
If you are student of Leadership Communication, or just interested in the course, click here.
Communication Theory Page
At this site are some basic models, theories, and concepts central to our understanding of communication in any context.
Phi Rho Pi National Speech Honor Society
Society for college level competitive speaking, reader's theatre, and debate.
Business Club at MPC
In Spring 2003, some MPC students got together and created a Business Club. Dr. Fox is an advisor for this club. Check out their site!
Moment-In-Time-Analysis pages
The MITA project is an assignment in the Speech 2, Group Communication course, and this link leads to a sample MITA (under construction) as well as links to MITA pages constructed by former students.