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Students in Public Speaking

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Students in Group Communication

MW section

I really liked the whole point that it was +performance oriented+, because that forced me to step up to a more responsible and mature level of interaction with my group members.  I never second-guessed missing a meeting, or brushing off a class because I knew the only person not benefiting from it would be me.  It also helped me realize that I could be a vital part of the successful group."  J.B., Fall 2003, MW 1:00.

Basically I liked the element of teamwork to accomplish a goal.  Student, Fall 2003, MW1:00

I benefited mostly from the people-interaction.  Working in two different groups gave me two different experiences.  I learned that humble people and non-self-centered people are easier to work with.  Student, Fall 2003, MW1:00

The strongest component of the course for me was learning and applying the skills and theories of leadership.  +Real-life+ group situations were also valuable lessons.  It is difficult to work in groups, yet oh so necessary for success out there in the real world.  M.E., Fall 2003, MW1:00

I love the nature of the course.  It is like every day is a mission.  Student, Fall 2003, MW1:00

I enjoyed the Egg Launch project particularly.  It most definitely made the class more comfortable with one another in sharing a little friendly competition.  Student, Fall 2003, MW1:00

What I liked best about this course was the New Product (project) idea.  I plan to major in advertising, so this was kind of a hands-on experience for my major.  It was a great experience for making advertisements and working with a group of people to share ideas.  T.C., Fall 2003, MW1:00

TTh section

The strongest component of the course was that Dr. Fox explained the assignments carefully and made them easy to understand, and he also made the class interesting.  It wasn`t boring.  Student, Fall 2003, TTh8:00

I felt like the strongest component of the course was the hands-on application of the concepts we were learning.  We didn`t just sit and take notes, we actually applied what we were learning and saw how it worked in real life situations.  The Service Learning project was the most challenging and stressful, but helped us learn very realistically about working in groups.  Student, Fall 2003, TTh8:00

I liked the New Product project because it really let us get creative with the ideas while keeping us in the realm of the physically possible, so it felt kind of like we were making the product for actual production.  That was nice because you don`t get that in many classes.  Student, Fall 2003, TTh8:00

I believe the strongest component was probably the approach you (Dr. Fox) take in your style of education.  This is the funnest class I`ve had; you made what I believe education should be and that`s interesting and fun.  I felt I wanted to be here, not needed to.  Student, Fall 2003, TTh8:00

The strongest component for me was the instructor.  Dr. Fox`s class was my only class where the material wasn`t exactly interesting to me at first, but the way it was presented and the way it was taught made it so.  I don`t think I would have made it through any other (word indistinguishable) class.  Student, Fall 2003, TTh8:00

The strongest component for me was the groups.  The group helped me a lot.  It made it easier for me to relax, because I was not the only one up in the front presenting.  The New Product project I liked a lot because we got to use our imagination.  Student, Fall 2003, TTh8:00

The strongest component of the course for me was working in groups, something I`m not used to doing, and the friendly environment = I really enjoyed coming to class.  Student, Fall 2003, TTh8:00

Strongest component:  Presenting with and interacting with groups = being allowed to chance to utilize the skills of interacting with others (public relation skills) as well as improving your own public speaking skills. Not a lot of written and lecturing involved; advisor was flexible and desired the group (as a whole) to apply themselves, be hands-on, and be involved with one another through effective communication and teamwork.  Student, Fall 2003, TTh8:00

MWF section

It (the Egg Launch) was the most exciting project for me.  I loved working together with my group.  We all got along great and we worked together as a team.  Student, MWF9:00 section, Fall 2003

I think the strongest component was how the group projects brought the class together; after the second presentation you really felt more comfortable and relaxed in front of the class.  Student, MWF9:00 section, Fall 2003

The strongest component of the course was the amount of group work we had.  I thought that it really reinforced student`s relationships with each other, as well as really taught us how to work together and solve problems.  Student, MWF9:00 section, Fall 2003

(Doing the presentations) really helped me to structure any type of oral presentation that I would do in the future.  How to talk loudly, where you should stand, and how to  use Power Point effectively, so that my audience is reached. Student, MWF9:00 section, Fall 2003

Students in Interpersonal Communication

Strengths of the course:  Good atmosphere and learning environment.  Steady amount of work that was not too overwhelming.  Learned key values about communicating with others.  C.A., Student, Fall 2003, MWF10:00

The Self CPA (Communication Problem Analysis) was very helpful.  It forced me to come up with a solution to solve my problems.  I know I will use that knowledge later in my life.  K. H., Student, Fall 2003, MWF10:00

The Self CPA was my favorite assignment because it allowed me to really focus on a very important person in my life, who was feeling that I had no time for him = getting lost in the shuffle, so to speak.  M. R., Student, Fall 2003, MWF10:00

When asked about the class I always answer, +The class is very interesting, the instructor is dynamic, but it is a lot of work compared to other classes I have taken at a community college.+  Student, Fall 2003, MWF10:00

Dr. Fox is great at instructional discussion, he made his +lectures+ entertaining and always got the class involved.  I like how he keeps everything short and simple, direct and to-the-point.  I think the strengths of the course were the enthusiasm of the instructor, along with a good text.  The class was harder was than I presumed mostly because of so much written work.  I feel that I learned a lot from the course information that will help me throughout life.  I don`t think I am going to return this textbook to the book store.  I don`t think I have felt the importance of what I learned from any other class at MPC as this.  Student, Fall 2003, MWF10:00

Students in Intercultural Communication
