About Speech at MPC

ABOUT Speech Communication at MPC

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What we learn in Speech Communication

"The field of communication focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media. The field promotes the effective and ethical practice of human communication."(1)

One way of looking at the study of communication is that, to humans, communication is like water to a fish. They are surrounded by it, live it in, and use it every day.  Telling a fish to study the obvious might result in reactions like, "What's water?" to "Oh, that old thing... Why bother?" Communication is so critical to who we are, and who we wish to become, that we often overlook its significance.  A fun aspect of studying communication is that we get to observe interaction at the same time as we are engaging in it; disciplined study of communication entails some wonderful overlapping qualities.

Significance in our lives!

Communication has such practical significance that American businesses today rank oral communication consistently among the top 4 skills most desired in employees, along with computer skills, writing ability, and a sense of corporate responsibility. The study of communication can prepare you for a wide variety of vocations and professions, such as law, sales, business management, education, politics, and public relations.

"Communication Skills Top Employers' Wish List -- Again. As has been the case for the past several years, communication skills top the list of personal qualities/skills employers seek in new hires. Trailing closely behind are honesty/integrity, teamwork skills, interpersonal skills, and motivation/intiative. The 'perfect' candidate also has some type of relevant work experience to offer. All in all, the skills and qualities employers look for in candidates reflect the needs of the 21st century workplace, which increasingly requires employees to work in teams, interact effectively with co-workers and customers, and manage job responsibilities without being spoon fed." -- "NACE Job Outlook 2001" (2)

Enhancing your skill at communicating can also have a wonderful impact on the quality of your personal life -- also very practical and significant. Our culture is very busy getting our attention focused on quantities, such as numbers of possessions, but our happiness most frequently comes through the QUALITY of our living. Let the study of communication better equip you for life in between the events of work and have-to tasks!

Courses We Offer in Speech Communication at MPC

  • Introduction to Public Speaking (Spch 1)
  • Small Group Communication (Spch 2)
  • Interpersonal Communication (Spch 3)
  • Intercultural Communication (Spch 4)
  • Argumentation (Spch 6)
  • Leadership (Spch 54)
  • Speaker's Bureau (Spch 61)

    MPC site

    Monterey Peninsula College

    Testimonials from past students in Dr. Fox's courses:

    (There is more space devoted to this on a separate page at this site, Student Testimonials)


    "I totally enjoyed your Speech 2 class last Fall. At first I was tentative to even take your class because I hate public speaking but after your class I am a bit more confident standing up in front of people. You did a great job and it shows especially after you pulled ***** out of her shell in that class. Thanks again and I hope everything is great!"
    -- E.D. Group Comm., Fall 2002

    "It has been 22 years since I attended high school and never had any intention of going to college. I went right to work. I did not do that well in high school and was intimidated by the college world. Dr. Fox's Speech 2 class was the most exhilarating experience I have ever had. His entire curriculum was laid out so well to lead the class to an explosive ending with a fantastic project and exam. I felt so well informed and was given every opportunity to learn as much as possible in his class. He is brilliant and caring of his students. After 22 years, I can't wait to continue my education at MPC because of Dr. Fox!" -- K.P. Group Comm., Fall 2002

    "I like our class set up; especially to a family-man and college returnee like me. Its an opportunity that should not be missed. Thank you and more power to you." -- N.N. Group Comm., Spring 2003


    "A great class and a great teacher. I would strongly advise this class for anyone who might be interested in the field of management or has an interest in the way people interact with one another. We covered all kinds of material, including listening, and communicating effectively. The class forces you to look at your own unconscious interaction techniques and challenges you to apply more effective ways of communicating. Dr. Fox takes a very hands-on approach to learning and makes every class interesting." -- J.C. IPC, Spring 2003

    "Speech 3 with Dr. Fox was a great class. Dr. Fox is very down to earth and easy to listen to. He keeps everyone interested with visual aids and always making funny sound effects. This speech class has a 'Communication Problem Analysis' assignment where we analyze a communication problem we currently have and discuss the origins and possible solutions to this problem. For me, after analyzing my problem carefully, I was able to overcome it, much of which I give thanks to the class and Dr. Fox. It was a fun semester and I strongly recommend it to those interested." -- R.Y., IPC, Spring 2003

    "This class helped me to look within myself, how I can use different methods to communicate with others... or be aware of different cultures in communication. We had to write a paper regarding a communication problem in our personal life. It taught me that I was only seeing my side and not the other person's... how they communicate with me. The book Looking Out Looking In has a lot of good methods to use." H.K., IPC, Spring 2003

    "This class opened my eyes to the fact that there's so much more to communicating than merely talking. The text and class discussions, help me fully understand and make sense of this process. This is one of those classes that will always be relevant. It's something you can use everyday!
    Thanks for making the class so enjoyable. I know I was worried throughout the semester about being able to handle the workload, but all in all, it wasn't as bad as I initially thought. In fact I'm quite pleased that I did as well as I did. I meant what I said about the material, and using it everyday. My biggest challenge will be to remember it in the heat of the moment. I hope to someday take another class with you again. Take care." M.G., IPC, Spring 2003

    (1) Association for Communication Administration, August, 1995, Summer conference on Defining the Field of Communication, Annnadale, Va.
    (2) National Association of Communication and Employers, "NACE Job Outlook 2001," p.6